Saturday, 4 August 2012

20th Anniversary Gala

Mary-Attracta Connolly does such an amazing job bringing the Opera to Broome year after year providing a unique experience for locals and visitors alike.   If you haven't yet experienced this amazing spectacle I can't recommend it highly enough and this year promises to be even more special as they invite you to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Opera Under the Stars on Saturday August 25th.

Boabs on a Starry Night - Ingrid Windram
In conjunction with this is the 'Opera-Arte'  auction and exhibition, this year featuring Broome's iconic artist Ingrid Windram.  The auction for the artwork above is being held at the Broome Convention Centre at 7pm Thursday 23rd August with Ingrid's exhibition running on from that until Sept 2nd.  I have included all the relevant links within this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Great to know that you are still right behind Broome and its artistic community Simon. Best of luck with the blog. Keep me posted.
